To maintain a private limited (Sdn Bhd) Malaysia, the following are the few routine compliance matters that one needs to be aware of. Grandhill will assist to take care of your deadlines on filing with compliance the details, assist to remind you of any requirements and you just need to focus on your business:-
1. Financial year determination
You will need to decide on your company’s fiscal year end, which can be any date within 18 months from the date of incorporation of your Company. You will need to keep track of your income and expenses (bookkeeping) according to Malaysia accounting standards. Depending upon the volume of transactions, we can provide bookkeeping services either on a weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly accounting basis.
2. Annual Return
No later than 30 days from the anniversary of their incorporation date, Private Limited Companies (Sdn Bhd) must lodge an annual return for each calendar year with the SSM consisting of general information including registered office address, nature of its business, particulars of indebtedness, company’s directors and secretary, auditors and list of its members.
3. Audited Financial Statements
It is a mandatory requirement that each company must prepare its financial statements. The financial statement has to be audited by approved auditors in Malaysia within eighteen months from the date of its incorporation (and in subsequent years – within six months of its financial year-end).
These audited financial statements must be independently certified by government-approved auditors, and circulated to all Shareholders within 6 months of the financial year end, and, thereafter, be lodged to SSM within 30 days from when these statements are circulated to all Shareholders.
4. Tax filing
The filing of company’s tax return has to be done to IRB within seven months from the financial year end.